Rudegirl Reckless, New Cross Inn

Rudegirl Reckless is a new music night coming to the New Cross Inn, which is sticking to its promise to bring a more diverse range of live music to New Cross. RR says:

Born out of the boredom of being under represented at shows all across the south west and London, Rudegirl Reckless has created a line-up aimed specifically at girls to encourage more diversity at punk shows. Rudegirl Reckless is here to create an unpretentious, hipster-free zone where dress codes and £10 pints don't exist. 

Featuring a line up of some of the strongest UK bands with female members and stalls with zines, vegan food and feminist information, we can finally stand up and take back the floor. Including: Moral DilemmaPettyboneCavesThe Write Offs.